Here are some snatches from my Facebook Memories in May
May 3, 2022: Ashley Peek-Gordon
Jason Mims and Anthony Gordon have co-founded The Eastside Quantum Computing Interns. This is a FREE and virtual enrichment class that will introduce 7th-12th graders to Quantum Computing. The hope is to help close the digital divide and make access to the technology forefront equitable. Follow S.H. James Preparatory Academy for more information.
Check out our founder discussing the need for our students to have equal access to educational opportunities as it relates to technology.
This is one of the driving forces behind the Eastside Quantum Computing Interns.
May 3, 2020:
The 2020 Safiya Jihan Miller & Daren Miller No Boundaries Scholarship Presentation via Zoom inspired and nurtured the human spirit! Gisselle Washington (Roosevelt '20/Cornell '24) had her parents (Usc Rose and Giovianne Washington), Grandparents, God mom, relatives, and friends join her for this special recognition. Savannah Bradley, the first Safiya & Daren Miller No Boundaries Scholarship recipient (Havard '17/Harvard M.Ed '18) joined us from Beirut, Lebanon. Her parents, Jackie Hanchet Bradley and Ray Bradley Bradley signed in from Dover (Tampa), FL.
Safiya Jihan Miller, who along with her brother and their employers fund the scholarship, joined from San Francisco and shared wisdom from her days earning an MBA at Cornell Johnson School of Business. Sierra Wooten and Ryder Wooten represented the Mims family and Mendocino County, CA. Question answered: Can we still celebrate Academic Excellence in a COVID-19 environment? Answer: We have No Boundaries!
May 3, 2018: Blessings received from #kind senior Business Majors Abdulrahman Alessa, Kaylynn Garcia, Sabrina Salinas, Jennifer Soth, Eusebio Valero, and Kristen Walker-Byrd at the University of the Incarnate Word HEB School of Business and Administration at the end of their Capstone II presentation in support of the MIMS Institute Fellows Inc. #kindnessmatters #academicexcellencematters #uiw
May 3, 2013
An event ten years ago today (The Woods and Wanton Chapter, Inc. of the 9th and 10th Cavalry (Buffalo Soldiers) fourth annual Coronation Ball) and the email that captured my reflections on May 3, 2003:
The active duty military ID card that I have carried around for the last 365 days expired last Saturday night. The conclusion of my tour in support of the Global War on Terrorism coincides with the President’s declaration that major combat operations in the Iraqi Theater of Operations have ended. I still must travel to Fort Benning or Fort Bliss later this month to turn in my three duffel bags full of military “stuff.” (I get to keep the t-shirts!).
My last night on active duty had some significance for my family.
The Woods and Wanton Chapter, Inc. of the 9th and 10th Cavalry (Buffalo Soldiers) held its fourth annual Coronation Ball at the Doubletree Inn Westshore. The association sent me two complimentary tickets. Earlier last week, Sierra and I went shopping for a formal so that she could come with me to this “Black Tie” function. Unlike previous shopping trips with females (be careful, here), it took less than an hour to accomplish the task.
The Buffalo Soldiers’ Coronation Ball is a fundraiser for scholarships and its other activities promoting historical accuracy of black soldiers’ participation in the nation’s expansion westward. The men and their ladies who put on this annual event have a strong bond of camaraderie. They proudly showcase the traditions and history of the 9th and 10th Horse Cavalry.
Somehow, these gentlemen saw fit to honor me this year with the Dr. William H. Leckie Award for service in the community. They presented me with a BIG plaque at the ball. It was a humbling experience—and a small walk into the past and into the future. Here is why.
Within the past thirteen months, I have received awards from those who support public education, from the Board of County Commissioners, and from the Buffalo Soldiers. At each event, presenters mentioned that I shared computer skills with children and senior citizens and that I spend time with young black males taking rigorous academic classes.
Back in the days when I was 16 to 19, my father received recognition from the Air Force and organizations in San Antonio, Texas. The mayor even presented him the keys to the city for his service in the city he called home. I attended those presentations, not knowing what lay ahead for me.
In each of the ceremonies over the past year, my 16-year-old daughter was at my side. Sierra had to struggle to get to age 16, but she has reached that age because of an Entity who cannot be given due credit in public schools today. Anyway, now I have walked in my late father’s shoes. Thanks to the Tampa Bay community, I have felt the “favor” he must have felt from San Antonio. I also feel like I have had the opportunity to walk in shoes that my daughter will one day walk in.
“The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.” Denis Waitly, motivational author (Tampa Tribune, Sunday, May 04, 2003, p.2)
Monday, I revert back to “Servant” status. What happens beyond that is up to an Entity who cannot be given due credit in public schools today.
